Colors 篇1
一、 活动名称:
英语活动: colours
二、 内容分析:
这是一节活动课。幼儿已初步学习了七个颜色单词,本节课旨在通过多种游戏复习所学单词,并初步学习用句型“i like …….” 表述自己喜爱的颜色。
活动重点: 1.复习所学颜色单词。
2.学习句型“i like …….”
活动难点: 1.能根据老师的指令作出恰当的反应。
1. 巩固颜色单词red﹑yellow、blue、
2.初步感知﹑学习句型“i like …….”
1. 多媒体设备一套、课件
2. 图片(布置成小花园)、画纸、油画
3. 手偶一个
1.出示课件,通过歌曲“colour colours!”引 出活动内容。
t: what colour?
c: yellow/black…
t: red?
c: yes./no. blue.
2. 说唱颜色。(播放课件)
孩子们在欢快的音乐中,说一说,唱一 唱,巩固学过的颜色。 : which one?(课件展示)
幼儿通过仔细观察,判断教师所指定的颜 色,并作出相应的指示动作。
(1)教师介绍花园,并从花丛中选出一朵颜色漂亮的花,进行示范:red. i like red.
幼儿根据意愿,自由选择自己喜爱的颜色,让幼儿尝试用“i like red/yellow….”表达出自己喜爱的颜色。
教师把剪好的各种花朵发给孩子,让他们在欢快的音乐声中,选择自己喜爱的颜色,进行涂色,教师进行个别指导。让孩子们把自己亲手画的花,种到花园里。鼓励孩子用英语表达自己喜爱的颜色“i like blue/green….”
(三) 结束部分:
Colors 篇2
默认分类 -03-19 12:57 阅读37 评论0
字号: 大大 中中 小小
小班英语教案 magic colors
一、length of lesson(活动时间):20 mins
二、teacher aims(活动目标):
1、掌握新单词:orange, purple, green.
四、teaching procedures(活动过程):
(一)warm-up (热身活动)
1、师生问好:good morning, boys and girls . good morning, teacher.
2、英语歌曲律动:“how are you today ?” “london bridge”
教师表现口渴状,表达口渴要喝水:i want to drink some water!此时呈现三瓶带水的饮料瓶,事先在瓶盖里分别涂上颜料红、黄、蓝(已学过的颜色单词)。教师作要喝水状,大声念出饮料标示:shake it before you drink. (喝前摇一摇!)提示幼儿单词“shake”,并要求幼儿一起大声说“shake”。教师在幼儿大声的配合下分别上下摇晃第一瓶水,直至出现颜色变化,分别以同样的方式变出另外两种颜色。每出现一种颜色,要求幼儿大声念出单词:red、yellow、blue(复习上节课内容)。
经过两个“小魔法”,幼儿的兴趣已经完全被激发了,教师问幼儿是否愿意和老师一样会变魔法?每人发一个迷你瓶(事先已在瓶盖内涂上不同的颜色染料),引导幼儿大声说:shake!并一同摇晃迷你瓶,直到变色。教师提问:who has orange color?手中是橙色的幼儿一起站立,念出单词并投入相应颜色的玩具筐中。依次进行。
在教师的引导下,共同表演英文儿歌 “color song”.
red yellow blue orange green purple,
red yellow blue orange green purple,
like a rainbow in the sky,
red yellow blue orange green purple!
(五)goodbye song:
教师及幼儿一起唱“goodbye song”
Colors 篇3
Colour: Blue & Purple
i. To be able to different blue and purple.
ii. To be able to say the two words: blue and purple.
iii. To know something is purple or blue in our lives.
i. Magic duck
ii. Some blue blue things and some purple things
iii. A box some blue and purple cards in it
iv. PowerPoint: Blue and Purple World
I. Rivison:
i. Greetings:
T: Good morning everyone! C: Good mornig, Amy!
T: There’re many teachers. Let’s say hello to them. C: Good morning teachers!
T: How are you? C: I’m fine, thank you.
ii. Go over some colour they have learned.( red, yellow, green )
T: (The teacher show some things.) What colour is it? C: red/ yellow/ green.
* The teacher must pay attention to kids’ pronouciations about green and red.
II. Presentation:
i. To know blue:
T: (Show Magic Duck to kids) Look. What’s this? C: Duck.
T: Yes. It is Magic Duck. The duck can change its colour. Open your eyes widely. Look here carefully.
C: Red/ yellow/green.
T: (Magic duck is changed blue by teacher.) What colour?
C: Lan se.
T: Blue. Follow me: Blue.
C: Blue. (Several times)
T: (Show some blue things.) What colour is it?
C: Blue.
*The teacher must correct their pronouciations one by one.
iii. To know purple:
C: Red/ yellow/green/ blue.
T: (Magic duck is changed blue by teacher.) What colour?
C: Zi se.
T: Purple. Follow me: Purple.
C: purple. (Several times)
T: (Show some purple things.) What colour is it?
C: Purple.
* The teacher must correct their pronouciations one by one.
i. The teacher show a box some blue and purple cards in it. To ask all the kids to pick out only one card and speak out the card what colour it is. The teacher corrects their pronouciations.
T: What colour is it? C: blue/ purple.
ii. Game:
T: Blue blue, stand up. (Who has blue card stands up.)
T: Blue blue, sit down.. (Who has blue card sit down.)
T: (Watch TV) this is a blue and purple world. Do you like it?
C: Yes.
Colors 篇4
Colour: Blue & Purple
i. To be able to different blue and purple.
ii. To be able to say the two words: blue and purple.
iii. To know something is purple or blue in our lives.
Difficulty Point:
Say the two words and know blue and purpl.
i. Magic duck
ii. Some blue blue things and some purple things
iii. A box some blue and purple cards in it
iv. PowerPoint: Blue and Purple World
I. Rivison:
i. Greetings:
T: Good morning everyone! C: Good mornig, Amy!
T: There’re many teachers. Let’s say hello to them. C: Good morning teachers!
T: How are you? C: I’m fine, thank you.
ii. Go over some colour they have learned.( red, yellow, green )
T: (The teacher show some things.) What colour is it? C: red/ yellow/ green.
* The teacher must pay attention to kids’ pronouciations about green and red.
II. Presentation:
i. To know blue:
T: (Show Magic Duck to kids) Look. What’s this? C: Duck.
T: Yes. It is Magic Duck. The duck can change its colour. Open your eyes widely. Look here carefully.
T: (Teacher change the colour of the duck) What colour is it?
C: Red/ yellow/green.
T: (Magic duck is changed blue by teacher.) What colour?
C: Lan se.
T: Blue. Follow me: Blue.
C: Blue. (Several times)
ii. To speak out the word: blue.
T: (Show some blue things.) What colour is it?
C: Blue.
*The teacher must correct their pronouciations one by one.
iii. To know purple:
T: (Teacher change the colour of the duck) What colour is it?
C: Red/ yellow/green/ blue.
T: (Magic duck is changed blue by teacher.) What colour?
C: Zi se.
T: Purple. Follow me: Purple.
C: purple. (Several times)
iv. To speak out the word: Purple.
T: (Show some purple things.) What colour is it?
C: Purple.
* The teacher must correct their pronouciations one by one.
III. Drill:
i. The teacher show a box some blue and purple cards in it. To ask all the kids to pick out only one card and speak out the card what colour it is. The teacher corrects their pronouciations.
T: What colour is it? C: blue/ purple.
ii. Game:
T: Blue blue, stand up. (Who has blue card stands up.)
T: Purple purple, stand up. (Who has purple card stands up.)
T: Blue blue, sit down.. (Who has blue card sit down.)
T: Purple purple, sit down.. (Who has blue card sit down..)
IV. End-up:
T: (Watch TV) this is a blue and purple world. Do you like it?
C: Yes.
石家庄外国语学校附属双语幼儿园 李渊
Colors 篇5
教具学具准备:各种颜色的帽子(与幼儿人数相同),音乐磁带,录音机。Music,hula- hoops,Two fashion models, some colorful paper
幼儿戴上不同颜色的帽子,教师播放音乐,带领幼儿站成圆圈跟随音乐节拍自由动作,教师发出口令:“Who is wearing yellow hat?” 戴黄色帽子的幼儿来到圆圈中间继续听音乐自由动作。
“My favorite color is, ”
教师事先在活动室地面上画好四个圆圈,贴上red, blue, yellow, green的色彩标记。 播放音乐,音乐停止时教师说:“I like blue,”幼儿来到贴有blue标记的圈中。
音乐活动:歌曲欣赏Color Song,用各种颜色的彩带装饰活动室。
活动重点:掌握表示颜色的单词:red,blue, yellow and green。
请幼儿在活动室里寻找red,blue, yellow and green四种颜色的物品,用相应颜色的贴纸做记号。
Colors 篇6
课题 unit 6 colors part b 课时 1课时 班级 三年级 编写者 一、教材内容分析
掌握句子:what color is it? ...
掌握字母:ww, 3.通过本课的学习,让学生学会用what color is it?来询问别人它是什么颜色。 二、教学目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观) 【知识目标】
1.掌握单词orange,pink,white,black,umbrella,violin 2.能听懂会说句子what color is it?it’s…(颜色). 3.能听、说、读、写大小写英语字母ww, 4.能听懂会问what color is it?并回答 【能力目标】:能用英语询问某物颜色;能正确描述物体颜色.
【情感目标】 :通过对生活中颜色的学习,培养学生热爱生活的积极情感。 三、学习者特征分析 本课学习者的特征分析主要是根据三年级学生的年龄特点及思维发展情况,加上教师平时对学生的了解而做出的: 1.学情分析 ·学生是小学三年级学生 ·三年级的孩子具有较强的好奇心和求知欲 ·三年级学生能够在课堂上积极活跃地参与相关的教学活动 2.学法分析 ·教学中,我面向全体学生,发挥学生的主体性,先用游戏,或一些夸张的动作展示的手法,引导学生提出问题,让学生在教师的引导下,一步步学习语言的运用。 四、教学策略选择与设计 1、本节课采用的教学方法有 :多媒体课件展示、启发式学习法、课堂讨论法、合作学习法。 本课教学我先用了多媒体课件展示,及一些所学动作词汇的激发学生的好奇心与求知欲,教学中综合运用了讲授式、启发式、自主学习、合作学习等各种策略,指导学生进行自主探索学习。通过不同游戏的设计,让学生在学习语言的基础上学习并掌握运用语言的能力。 2、采用这些方法的理论根据:教学的设计要适合学生的身心发展,要鼓励学生大胆使用英语,激发她们主动去研究自己感兴趣的问题并予以合作解决。遵循“教师为主导,学生为主体”的教学原则。 五、教学环境及资源准备 ﹡专门为本课设计的多媒体课件, flash动画等 ﹡词汇卡 ﹡学习点读机 六、教学过程
设计意图及资源准备 step 1. warming-up 出示颜色卡片,t: what color is it?让学生进行抢答,复习已学颜色单词red yellow,green,blue。
抢答已学颜色单词 复习之前所学过的颜色单词
step 2. presentation 1.出示颜色卡片,t:this is orange.教授单词orange,升降调,one by one操练。 2.教师询问个别学生,t:what’s your favourite color? 提问几个学生后,t:can you guess what’s my favourite color?引出单词pink,出示颜色卡,教学单词pink。操练游戏:推波助澜 3.指着黑板问:what color is it?it’s black.教学单词black,操练游戏:抢火车 4.t :what’s the opposite color of black?引出单词white,带读几遍,操练游戏:看手势读单词 5.复习巩固颜色单词,游戏:stand up,师出示颜色卡,代表这种颜色的整组孩子起立说,要求速度快,发音准确。 通过各种各样的操练方式让学生更好的掌握今天所学的新单词。
step 2. presentation 6.t:i have a riddle.would you like to guess? i have a’s white. it has long ears.its eyes are red.what’s this in english? 引导出单词rabbit.t: who can remember chinese chant? 7.问个别学生,指身边的东西,反复询问:what color is it?启发学生回答it’s…。再启发学生提问i have a color is it?根据实际情况纠正发音。 学生和老师之间对话 全体学生用各种形式读句子 个体学生读句子 利用同桌互问互答的形式,让学生能够独立的复习所学的句型,更好的掌握句型。 step 3. text 1.listen the text 2.listen again 3.listen and repeat the text 学生听课文,再听课文并且跟读课文,最后自读课文。 step 4. letters the letters: aa-vv 2.快速抢答 3.teach ww,window,,x-ray (1)看图,引出window (2)教window (3)出示字母ww,听字母并请学生起来模仿 (4)看ww书写的笔画笔顺,并跟着老师一起写 (和x-ray的教法与ww一样) (5)将今天所学的字母与之前所学的字母连成一个chant 学生读字母aa-vv. 字母抢答。 跟读字母ww,window 伸出手指,写ww (教授字母,学生的活动和ww一样) 读歌谣 通过跟读,书写让学生掌握今天所学的字母。 step 5. summary 1.对今天上课所学的知识进行复习 2.总结评价 回顾今天所学知识 复习今天所教的内容,让学生掌握的更扎实。 step 6. homework 1. 听课文3遍,跟读3遍 2. 活动手册 板书设计: unit5 colors part b ww what color is it? it's orange pink white black . 七、教学反思
Colors 篇7
Colors 篇8
课题unit 6 colors part a课时1课时班级三年级编写者一、教材内容分析
1.闽教版小学英语第一册,第六单元第一部分,课题:colors。2.掌握词汇: red yellow green blue ;学习单词light
掌握句子: the light is red. now the light is green.3.通过本课的学习,能描述自己身边物品的颜色。二、教学目标(知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观)【知识目标】1)听懂会说关于颜色的单词red yellow green orange ;学习单词light2) 掌握句子: the light is red. now the light is green.【能力目标】: 能描述自己身边物品的颜色。【情感目标】 :营造氛围,使学生积极参加英语活动三、学习者特征分析本课学习者的特征分析主要是根据三年级学生的年龄特点及思维发展情况,加上教师平时对学生的了解而做出的:1.学情分析·学生是小学三年级学生·三年级的孩子具有较强的好奇心和求知欲·三年级学生能够在课堂上积极活跃地参与相关的教学活动 2.学法分析·教学中,我面向全体学生,发挥学生的主体性,先用游戏,或一些夸张的动作展示的手法,引导学生提出问题,让学生在教师的引导下,一步步学习语言的运用。四、教学策略选择与设计1、本节课采用的教学方法有 :多媒体课件展示、启发式学习法、课堂讨论法、自主学习、合作学习法。本课教学我先用了多媒体课件展示,及一些所学动作词汇的激发学生的好奇心与求知欲,教学中综合运用了讲授式、启发式、自主学习、合作学习等各种策略,指导学生进行自主探索学习。通过不同游戏的设计,让学生在学习语言的基础上学习并掌握运用语言的能力。2、采用这些方法的理论根据:教学的设计要适合学生的身心发展,要鼓励学生大胆使用英语,激发她们主动去研究自己感兴趣的问题并予以合作解决。遵循“教师为主导,学生为主体”的教学原则。五、教学环境及资源准备﹡专门为本课设计的多媒体课件, flash动画等﹡词汇卡﹡学习点读机六、教学过程
设计意图及资源准备step 1. warming-up 复习已学单词 apple,banana,rabbit等。出示单词卡,进行快速反应活动。抢答单词复习之前所学过的句型
step 2.presentation 1.拿出教具“红苹果”,教授单词“red”,询问学生: what color is it?它是什么颜色的,引导出新单词“red”。示范读音,升降调趣味操练。 2.出示单词卡banana,指着图片问全班同学: what color is it?教授yellow,示范读音,回音壁游戏带读学生。3.出示单词卡blue,指着图片问:what color is it?教学blue,唱反调游戏进行操练。 4. 指着课桌,问:what color is it?教学相应的颜色单词green,用升降调带读几遍,抢火车游戏进行操练。跟读单词red跟读单词yellow跟读单词blue跟读单词green通过各种各样的操练方式来让学生掌握这些单词。5. 复习新学单词red,yellow,green,blue。游戏:比眼力。将水彩笔的笔帽藏在手中,快速在学生眼前闪过,让他们猜是什么颜色。6.在黑板简笔画板书红绿灯,问全班:what’s it?教授单词light,数遍数进行操练,让学生把red,yellow,green和light合起来说:red light(红灯),yellow light(黄灯),green light (绿灯)guess the colors跟读单词light跟读短语设计这个部分的意图在于有效地将颜色和信号灯结合,为下面的课文做铺垫。step 3.text 1. 播放录音,让学生静听二遍,listen and point播放录音,让学生跟读。以小组竞赛形式让学生跟读。听录音跟读,学生齐读,分角色读。 点读机反复点读。 step 4.text the letters: aa-tt 2.快速抢答 3.teach uu,umbrella,vv,violin (1)看图,引出umbrella (2)教umbrella (3)出示字母uu,听字母并请学生起来模仿 (4)看uu书写的笔画笔顺,并跟着老师一起写 (vv和violin的教法与uu一样) (5)将今天所学的字母与之前所学的字母连成一个chant学生读字母aa- tt.字母抢答。跟读字母uu, umbrella 伸出手指,写uu(教授字母vv,学生的活动和uu一样)读歌谣通过跟读,书写让学生掌握今天所学的字母。step 5. summary 1.对今天上课所学的知识进行复习 2.总结评价回顾今天所学知识复习今天所教的内容,让学生掌握的更扎实。step 6. homework 1. 听课文3遍,跟读3遍2. 活动手册板书设计: unit 6 colors part a uu red yellow vv green blue 七、教学反思
Colors 篇9
1. Sing a song which named “Hello! How are you?”
2. --Hello! How are you?
--I’m fine. How are you?
--I’m fine. What’s your name?
--I’m _____.
1. While greeting the child, tell the children that “How beautiful your coat is!” and so on.
Then tell them the reason is the coat’s color is very nice. By this way lead out the new materials.
2. Teach them the word “red”. Emphersize the sound “r”, then put it in sentence “It’s ___.”
3. By this way, teach them the other words “blue, yellow, green, black”
4. Ask them read the words after me for twice.
5. Game: Finding cards.
6. Game: Guess what teacher said. (T mime, Ss guess. Require them Answer with the sentence structure “It’s____.”)
7. Show them an apple. Then guide them the sentence “It’s red an green.” Ask them practise in pairs.
8. Read the text after the tape.
9. Do activity book.
Colors 篇10
colour: blue & purple
i. to be able to different blue and purple.
ii. to be able to say the two words: blue and purple.
iii. to know something is purple or blue in our lives.
difficulty point:
say the two words and know blue and purpl.
i. magic duck
ii. some blue blue things and some purple things
iii. a box some blue and purple cards in it
iv. powerpoint: blue and purple world
i. rivison:
i. greetings:
t: good morning everyone! c: good mornig, amy!
t: there’re many teachers. let’s say hello to them. c: good morning teachers!
t: how are you? c: i’m fine, thank you.
ii. go over some colour they have learned.( red, yellow, green )
t: (the teacher show some things.) what colour is it? c: red/ yellow/ green.
* the teacher must pay attention to kids’ pronouciations about green and red.
ii. presentation:
i. to know blue:
t: (show magic duck to kids) look. what’s this? c: duck.
t: yes. it is magic duck. the duck can change its colour. open your eyes widely. look here carefully.
t: (teacher change the colour of the duck) what colour is it?
c: red/ yellow/green.
t: (magic duck is changed blue by teacher.) what colour?
c: lan se.
t: blue. follow me: blue.
c: blue. (several times)
ii. to speak out the word: blue.
t: (show some blue things.) what colour is it?
c: blue.
*the teacher must correct their pronouciations one by one.
iii. to know purple:
t: (teacher change the colour of the duck) what colour is it?
c: red/ yellow/green/ blue.
t: (magic duck is changed blue by teacher.) what colour?
c: zi se.
t: purple. follow me: purple.
c: purple. (several times)
iv. to speak out the word: purple.
t: (show some purple things.) what colour is it?
c: purple.
* the teacher must correct their pronouciations one by one.
iii. drill:
i. the teacher show a box some blue and purple cards in it. to ask all the kids to pick out only one card and speak out the card what colour it is. the teacher corrects their pronouciations.
t: what colour is it? c: blue/ purple.
ii. game:
t: blue blue, stand up. (who has blue card stands up.)
t: purple purple, stand up. (who has purple card stands up.)
t: blue blue, sit down.. (who has blue card sit down.)
t: purple purple, sit down.. (who has blue card sit down..)
iv. end-up:
t: (watch tv) this is a blue and purple world. do you like it?
c: yes.
幼儿园小班教案案例[英语] colors: purple & blue来自98e范文网。